There are many benefits to using private mediation rather than the court system to resolve your divorce. What is private mediation? It's a confidential process with an experienced lawyer, such as myself, that acts as a neutral party, guiding and helping you and your spouse resolve your divorce.
So, what are the benefits?
You save thousands of dollars. One of the main reasons that many people lean towards mediation rather than going to court is that the cost of using mediation is significantly less than going to court. Traditional court litigation can be costly, and the final cost very unpredictable. Did you know that the average cost of a contested divorce in the United States is $24,000? And frankly, this is low for California. With mediation, you know upfront how much you will need to pay, which in most cases is between $4,000 and $8,000.
It can be much faster. In addition to the reduced cost, mediation is also much faster than going through the court process. The average time to resolution using the courts is anywhere from six weeks to a year! You'll spend long hours with an attorney and in the courtroom, which translates into lots of legal fees. While every case is different, the average mediation takes six hours spread out between three to four sessions.
Control of the outcome. One of the most significant benefits of mediation is that it allows for greater control of the result. You control the speed and cost of the process and control how things are divided and decided. If you're a parent, you'll have peace of mind knowing that a judge will not tell you when and how often you will see your children. In contrast, when you go the route of litigation, you lose all control because there is no guarantee about how a judge will rule on issues, regardless of an attorney's assurances.
Privacy and confidentiality. Court filings and proceedings are not private. Everyone in the courtroom will hear any details brought up in your divorce. And while it doesn't happen regularly, your court documents can be accessed and read by others because they are public filings. With mediation, everything remains confidential between the parties and the mediator.
It is a peaceful and cooperative process. One of the most important benefits of mediation is psychological. Having a neutral, experienced mediator whose only goal is to help you and your spouse resolve your issues makes a world of difference. You don't have to be defensive or put up with attacks that are sadly so common during litigation. You may not trust your spouse, but you can trust that your mediator will use all the tools available to them to help you reach a swift and peaceful resolution.
If you want to give mediation a try, give us a call! (909) 377-8141
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